Monday, 1 November 2010

Still Life, Response

As part of Still Life the audience was invited to create their own responses to the work. Theres are a few of the drawings which were made. If you would like to see all of them please visit the Beacon Art Project Facebook page. You can also find out more about Gillian Dyson at

Also at the event was East Midlands artist Michael Sanders who took some long exposures of the work. Below is a contact print of the still life table, more to follow. To find out more about Michael Sanders please visit his web site,

Still Life, Gillian Dyson. The first Beacon Bimonthly

This is a programme of bimonthly evening art events that will take place in Lincolnshire. With support from Arts NK, Lincolnshire County Council and Louth Naturalists Antiquarian & Literary Society, the programme launched on 1 July 2010.

Beacon Bimonthlies will take place in three Lincolnshire districts: East Lindsey; North Kesteven and West Lindsey, hosted where possible in unusual heritage locations within the community, not usually open to the public. The events will feature presentations from invited guest artists, taking the form of performances, powerpoints, film screenings or talks. Audience members will also be invited to participate, by showing examples of their own works and responding to the host venues for presentation at future meetings. Audience members will not be restricted to the visual arts although invited guest speakers will be visual artists.

Commissioned by Beacon Art ProjectStill Life marked the launch of The Bimonthlies and the launch of The Louth Mansion House Project to transform this grade II* listed building, built in c. 1750 for assemblies, musical events and exhibitions into an arts centre of significance.
Photos: Daniel Warren

Gillian Dyson
Still Life

A one day only commissioned art event at The Mansion House, Upgate, Louth LN11 9ET

Artist Gillian Dyson created a unique artwork in response to the heritage of the empty Georgian building. This was exhibited in a one-day only art event to which the public was invited to attend and participate.

The artist’s Still Life was unlike traditional representations in paint. Made up instead from local produce; lost artifacts from the museum archive; real and artifical momento mori; text; sound; light and shadow. She said, “it is about response and suggestion, reflecting on a given site, context or audience. I work with history, imagination, the playful and the violent.” Audience members were able to explore the Mansion House and view the artwork. They were invited to create their own responses to Still Life, whether in the form of sketches or other media such as poetry. These were displayed in the hall, becoming a part of the Still Life.

The Bimonthlies programme is being made possible with the support of the partners below

To contact Beacon tel: +44 (0)1522 810 559 / 01522 811 809

Beacon Artproject Limited is a not for profit company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales. Registration No 5809581. Registered charity No 1130703.
Registered office: Reading Room & Chapel, High Street, Wellingore, Lincoln LN5 0HW Street, Wellingore, Lincoln LN5 0HW